a trending idea

a trending idea

I wrote an article for Triple Pundit and am amazed to see it…
how to dry fresh garden herbs

how to dry fresh garden herbs

I love oregano. It is easy to grow in a garden, raised…
why i march - march monsanto

why i marched

That's me at the beginning saying we can grow our own food.…
wild horses

wild horses

I was admiring the stunning blonde horse at a local farm…

bee economy

What is going on with the bees?! The European Union thinks they…
abc interview at chimney rock at chimney rock state park

abc interview at chimney rock at chimney rock state park

Today is Earth Day and it is a beautiful day to spend in…
garden path with repurposed fallen trees

garden path with repurposed fallen trees

Wind in the mountains means fallen trees in the forest. So, we…
garden tomato starters

spring gardening

This year, we planted so many seeds! Chard, spinach, arugula,…

accelerating appalachia

Are you an entrepreneur or business who is doing great stuff…
hickory nut gap farm

hickory nut gap farm

Today, I toured Hickory Nut Gap Farm and spent time with cows,…